A Story of Recovery:

Never Too Old

This summer, I went to my first Renaissance fair. My friend and I walked around the booths, admiring everyone’s elaborate costumes and the beautiful, handmade wares. We watched jousting matches, a demonstration of trained tigers and leopards, and my friend even played an archery game.

As we walked around, I kept seeing signs for a pony ride. “I’d love to ride a pony!” I joked with her. She said she wouldn’t mind, but I said the ride was probably just for kids.

When we found the pony ride, it was indeed for children, but I looked up and saw a sign that said “Weight limit: 130 pounds.” Not only was I less than 130, I had 12 pounds to spare! My top weight had been 206 pounds, but thanks to FA, these days I weigh in at a slender 118 pounds.

I asked the woman running the pony ride if there was an age limit, or just a weight limit. “You’re never too old to ride a pony!” she replied. I waited in line behind two little girls dressed as princesses, and rode my pony, which was the most fun I’d had all afternoon. Just one more experience I wouldn’t have had without FA!


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.