Stories of Recovery

These stories were originally published in the Connection, FA's monthly magazine written by food addicts, for food addicts. Each post shares a different author's perspective. Visit this page often to read more experience, strength, and hope about recovery in FA. To get the newest issue of Connection Magazine sent directly to your mailbox or inbox, click here to subscribe to the Connection.

Recklessness Abandoned

I grew up in a pretty strict household, where food was accounted for. I learned early on to sneak food. My father had a strong work ethic and instilled it in me. By 15, I had a part-time job to pay for my school supplies, clothes, and many other expenses. I was very active in my church and high school sports. I became a Boy Scout Eagle Scout, and had a full-time girlfriend. By 18, my father and stepmother asked me to leave my home, and I set out to find my way in the world with not a penny in my pocket or any idea how to manage my life. I was bitter and pissed and felt that God and my family had abandoned me. But I told myself I was going to make it in spite of it all. Nearly a decade prior to coming into Program, I... Continue Reading



Bait and Switch?

There I was again; my own insecurity was complicating the simplest of tasks. I had been in FA for 15 months, lost 100-plus pounds, and marveled at the changes in my body, mind, and spirit. I could now show up and participate in life…but I still was insecure. My neighbor had asked me if I minded watering the plants, getting the mail, and feeding her son’s goldfish while they were away for a few days. I fed the goldfish a “pinch” of food a day as she had instructed. Wow, was my pinch the same as hers? After all, I am a food addict. Could that be enough for the little guy? A little more couldn’t hurt. The next day I found the goldfish swimming funny. Surely it wasn’t the amount of food I gave him. No, I couldn’t have overfed him. By day three he was a floater—dead. I... Continue Reading



Stop that Man!

About six months ago, my parents were visiting for a few days for the first time since my husband and I moved to our new place. It was a Sunday morning in March and they were about to head back home. We were all walking out to our garage, where their car was parked, to see them off. As soon as we were about to enter the garage, we saw a man dart out with some of my parents’ belongings, which he had grabbed from their car. It was a scene from an adventure movie—a thief, quick and low, escaping with goods, and frantic victims trying to run after him. The man managed to flee, leaving us behind to deal with the police, the loss, and the fear. During those initial moments, the thief had no clue about all that he had managed to steal. As he would discover later,... Continue Reading



When the Whining Stopped

Usually my special-needs son goes to school with his brother, but on this particular Monday morning, my other son was out of town and I had the job of getting him to school. I always allow my special-needs son the privilege of rolling my briefcase that contains my laptop and very important schoolwork—the last year of my life’s research towards completing my master’s thesis project. I put my daughter in her car seat, zoomed around the backside of the van, and drove off. I dropped my daughter off, dropped my son off, looked in the back seat for something, and realized that my son and I didn’t take the time to put my briefcase in the car! Hysterical is where I could have gone, and would have gone, if I wasn’t in FA. My reaction was so different from how I used to react to other situations in my life.... Continue Reading



Turning Over the Key

For the last two years, we have been trying to sell our house. I don’t need to tell anyone that it is clearly not a seller’s market. For this food addict, who likes to have things go her way and according to her time frame, this has been a most challenging time. It can be a real roller coaster ride. We get the call that someone is coming to look and we spiff the place up, clearing off surfaces, setting the table with a vase of flowers, vacuuming, dusting, and generally fluffing and buffing until it looks its very best. We go out so our realtor can show the house without the overly eager owners salivating on the back porch. Then we wait to hear the feedback. Our realtor calls, says the showing went well and the potential buyers loved the house, the setting, thought it was priced right, gorgeous... Continue Reading