Stories of Recovery

These stories were originally published in the Connection, FA's monthly magazine written by food addicts, for food addicts. Each post shares a different author's perspective. Visit this page often to read more experience, strength, and hope about recovery in FA. To get the newest issue of Connection Magazine sent directly to your mailbox or inbox, click here to subscribe to the Connection.


I began life in a small Michigan mining town.  I was a skinny kid for my first six years.  My mom fed me and my siblings a farmer’s diet.  Sweets were plentiful as well. I became a chunky, husky kid during my middle school years.  The summer before I started seventh grade, my parents moved to a new home just outside the town.  I believe that one afternoon changed the course of my life forever. I was biking back home from visiting friends, when a group of about ten kids started running toward me and screaming at me.  I began to get away, when one swung his football helmet and it brushed by my back and hit the seat of my bike.  I broke away, ditched the bike, and ran into my house. After that, I rarely left the protective walls of my home again until I turned eighteen.  I... Continue Reading



Yours (Truly)

I ate addictively because I am a food addict. I believed it to my core.  Yet, knowing this truth, why did I continue to pick up that first bite for all those years?  During the first 90 days in recovery, I found out. In those first 90 days, I was told to remember my last binge. I pictured how I felt after that binge. I recalled lying on the couch in the fetal position with a bloated stomach, gas and cramps. I cried and prayed for some physical relief. I ached all over. I felt like I had squeezed into jeans three sizes too small that cut at my belly, waist and hips. On many of those first 90 days, I remembered what it was like to binge and see no way out of my hopeless dilemma.  I recalled the insane, insatiable desire to eat flour, sugar and quantities, while... Continue Reading



Eat and Run

Something about driving makes my mind race and fragment into shards of to-dos, and my body itch to multi-task in all sorts of crazy and dangerous ways. Probably the most insane thing I’ve ever done in the driver’s seat was one time when I was wearing a skirt and sandals and noticed I’d forgotten to shave my legs. I reached into my gym bag, unzipped a pocket, took out a razor, and proceeded to scrape the black stubble from my legs—all while driving through a busy thoroughfare. Before I joined FA, when I was constantly eating, there was almost no time I’d be in the car without having food to munch on while tooling down the street or highway, no matter how much traffic, how curvy the road, or how drippy the food. The only thing I questioned about this practice was the embarrassment of inevitably arriving at my destination... Continue Reading



Asking God For Help

As an addict, I always lived in “tomorrow”.  Now, living in recovery, all I have is “today”.  And for today, I choose to go to my Higher Power – all through the day – to ask for help! I can remember two specific times in my life when my Higher Power spoke to me.  One was 30 years ago and one was 8 months ago after I had a break following 6 years of abstinence. Thirty years ago, at a time of my life when I was completely obsessed with food, in an attempt to fix me and help me raise my two children and be the “perfect housewife” the God of my understanding “spoke” to me!  God said, with great clarity and with a knowing that remains with me today, four short words “I AM YOUR FRIEND”.  To this day, I can re-surface that “knowing” whenever I need help... Continue Reading



Finding My Way Back Home

I was born in Malaysia and have lived in England and in Trinidad. My second husband who was from Scotland. He was transferred to Michigan, and we came to live in Ann Arbor. Not knowing anybody, I became isolated. I had culture shock and was always hungry. I weighed 186 pounds, the highest weight I’ve ever been. My only medicine was food, food, and more food. There was never enough. I prayed for help only after I had eaten the food. I was searching for a solution to get out of my obese body. I tried injections, ate raw eggs, drank oil and milk three times a day, and went on a grapefruit diet. I tried a wine diet, where I drank one glass of wine three times a day. One last thing my doctor suggested was that I should wire my teeth and have liquid food through a straw.... Continue Reading