Stories of Recovery

These stories were originally published in the Connection, FA's monthly magazine written by food addicts, for food addicts. Each post shares a different author's perspective. Visit this page often to read more experience, strength, and hope about recovery in FA. To get the newest issue of Connection Magazine sent directly to your mailbox or inbox, click here to subscribe to the Connection.

No Panic Button

“There is the likelihood that you have multiple myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow), based on your test results,” said my doctor. Not exactly the words one wants to hear after having a minor test for a completely unrelated problem. He repeated this statement a couple of times to make sure I understood the potential severity of the situation. I guess my lack of a panicked response made him think I had not heard or understood him. My reaction, or lack thereof, was not a conscious effort; it just seemed “normal” to me. I admit that I did not react in the way I would have before joining FA a little over three years ago. Before Program, my reaction to this news would have been driven by self-centeredness and self-pity. I would have been blaming my higher power for doing this to me, and I would have been face down... Continue Reading



The Beautiful Gift

For about six weeks before I found FA, I attended a weekly meeting for a Twelve-Step program geared toward those with dysfunctional families. I was in graduate school at the time, and a close classmate asked if I would join her at the meetings. Repeatedly during the meetings, others would mention attending different Twelve-Step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. These comments started the wheels turning in my head. One night after a meeting, my friend and I were sitting in a coffee shop, and I asked her “Do you think you’re an addict?” “I think I dabble in everything,” she said. “What about you?” After a moment’s thought, I said for the first time out loud, “I think I have a problem with food.” That was the starting point of my FA journey. Late that night, after an internet search for food addiction, I found an FA meeting... Continue Reading



Financial Responsibility

I have never been fantastic about money. I would prefer to hoard it, ignore it, covet it, and complain about it, rather than take an active, responsible role in managing it. As a child, I got all my clothes off the clearance racks. As a young adult, I chose my treats based on what might be best, not on what was cheapest. As a high school graduate, I hoarded all my paychecks from my minimum-wage jobs, occasionally even forgetting to deposit them into the bank for weeks or months at a time. By the time I graduated from college, I had almost $100,000 in student loans. I lived in an expensive apartment and bought cable TV and Internet access. I ate out for almost every meal, or had three- to-four microwavable dinners at a time. I had lost my first roommate, and my second roommate had found a girlfriend and moved... Continue Reading



Recovery in My Own Backyard

My sponsor suggested that I stop watering my lawn. What? What does my lawn have to do with my abstinence? At the time, I was very tired, relentlessly looking for work, anxious about my dwindling bank account, and over $13000 in credit card debt. I was resentful about not being able to pay for yard help or house help and about living in less than clean and beautiful surroundings. I felt guilty if chores took me away from job hunting and guilty if chores got ignored. With meetings phone calls, shopping, chopping, reading, and praying, I could just never do enough! However, I took my sponsor’s suggestion and stopped watering my lawn, which turned out to be a wise suggestion. It saved me about $50 a month. When I stopped watering lawn, it stopped needing to be mowed, and I didn’t need to replace the lawnmower I had just broken... Continue Reading



Brotherly Love

I felt abandoned and frightened when my brother was born. When I was growing up, plotting ways to hurt him fueled my whole being. After all, he took mother’s attention away from me. I would start fights with him, and my mother would intervene and give out flour and sugar products to calm us down. This pattern set up many unconscious coping behaviors in my mind. What does this have to do with my current relationship with food?  Everything! During one of my AWOLs (a way we study and live the Twelve Steps in recovery), I found out that my overeating and mental obsession with food had deep roots in the feelings of resentment toward being abandoned emotionally by my mother. I unknowingly took it out on my brother for years. When I was little, I knew where mother kept the junk food for herself and the babysitters. I would... Continue Reading