Stories of Recovery

These stories were originally published in the Connection, FA's monthly magazine written by food addicts, for food addicts. Each post shares a different author's perspective. Visit this page often to read more experience, strength, and hope about recovery in FA. To get the newest issue of Connection Magazine sent directly to your mailbox or inbox, click here to subscribe to the Connection.

A New Freedom

My husband and I have been married for many years, and the style of our dining room and living room reflect those years.  The furnishings are old and heavy.  When I was young, a friend and I went “antiquing” at garage sales and picked up and collected amazing “finds” such as oriental rugs, tables, chairs, and lamps.  They are still part of my house, and though they are OK, I really am tired of the look. Last Saturday morning, it snowed here in Cleveland. It was our Sabbath, and my husband and I had finished eating our lunch in the dining room.  I love arranging flowers, and on Fridays I usually buy a few small bunches of flowers at the supermarket.  From where I sat at the table, I saw the newly fallen snow, the beautiful simple flowers on the dining room table and the sideboard, the arrangement in the... Continue Reading



Trick or Treat

Elementary school is not a time I look back on fondly, but the day I got to go to school wearing my Halloween costume and my big wax lips made up for all the times in between.  I was in the second grade, and it was all about standing in lines.  Line up for recess, line up for lunch, line up to go back into the classroom, line up, and line up some more.   Standing in the line to go back into the classroom from recess, and proudly wearing my wax lips, a classmate reached over from the boys’ side of the line, yanked the lips out of my mouth, and put them in his own. Before he had a chance to clamp down, I reached over to his line and punched him in the nose. His mouth opened to wail in pain, and the lips fell onto the playground. ... Continue Reading




After burning the candle at both ends, I received an opportunity to get closer to God and to my program. It started as a sore throat and a small cold that didn’t seem like a big deal. Instead of taking the time to let my body heal completely, I continued to push through. This seemed logical to me because my symptoms were lessening, and I usually got lucky when it came to being sick. However, a week or so later, I was starting to feel worse again – I was starting to lose my voice from the sore throat I had, and the congestion was building. Despite a coworker’s gentle nudge that I might need antibiotics due to my hacking cough, I was having a battle of wills concerning my weekend plans. By Saturday, I couldn’t get my coworker’s loving suggestion out of my head, and as God would have... Continue Reading



The Strength To Grow

My insanity around food began at an early age.  The flour and sugar products were my specialty, and since my family owned a bakery where I spent many hours of my young life, I didn’t have to work very hard to get my favorite sweets.  My metabolism ran high, and I was always running, skating, swimming or climbing trees, so the fat didn’t stick and I couldn’t understand why my obese mother and brother couldn’t just stop eating so much and slim down.  Being judgmental began at an early age indeed.   As I became a teenager, my attraction to the quantities and sweets grew along with me. However, being short made it even harder because only a few pounds made me feel really huge.  Those 5 or 10 pounds weighed heavily on my ego.  That feeling of “less than” was pervasive in every area of my life.   If I... Continue Reading



A Key Moment

I joined FA 5 years ago when I was 43, 5’4.5” and 226 lbs. (102.5 kilos). I was also on antidepressants and pre-diabetic, depressed, angry and full of self-pity. I lashed out at my husband and people at work, none of whom seemed to do enough to help me.  I had a stable home and job, a husband and two healthy children.  There seemed to be so much to be grateful for and yet I was miserable. Could this be all there was to life? There must be more to it as I saw many other people who appeared to be happily engaged with life. My anger and frustration only seemed to deepen and I was behaving towards others in ways that I didn’t recognize. I was getting in trouble at work, and was contemplating divorce.   I kept snacks in the trunk of my car, just in case. I... Continue Reading