A Story of Recovery:

Ready to Change

My friends referred to me as a support group junkie. Those who have known me for years thought: Here she goes, another support group. It started over 20 years ago with Al-anon, then AA (I have managed to stay sober for 21 years), and on and on with other Twelve-Step programs to address my many other addictions. Don’t ask me why it took so long to find FA, except that I wasn’t ready to give up flour and sugar!

When I came into FA four months ago, I was very depressed. I had just spent a lot of money on hypnosis. I had lost 15 pounds in the first three months of hypnosis and then hit a plateau, because I just couldn’t manage portion control.

I had spent years dieting, and praying for God to give me the strength to lose weight and keep it off. Then I met someone at our church potluck, whom had lost 80 pounds in FA, and she encouraged me to go to a meeting. I did, and by the grace of God, I finally understood why after each diet, the pounds always would come back.

I gave up flour and sugar and had a sponsor within three days. The first time I weighed myself, I had already broken the plateau I had been on for three months. I remained excited each day and loved the food. I lost 29 pounds in my first 90 days, went from a size 20 down to a size 12, and the doctor reduced my blood-pressure medication.

For a while, I have wanted my son, his wife, and their baby to move closer to me. They were looking for a home, but wanted it closer to their jobs. I was babysitting three days a week and had to travel 10 miles back and forth each day to pick up the baby.

Prior to FA, I made it clear to them that they could afford one of the small homes in our neighborhood, and I told them about a home that was for sale two blocks from ours. My sponsor told me to let it go and stop trying to control the outcome. So I said nothing more to them and prayed they would find the right home.

Days later my son came over and the realtor was holding an open house. My son took a look but didn’t think his wife would like the kitchen. They continued to look at other areas 10-15 miles away from us, and I continued to pray and keep quiet. Finally he showed his wife the home near us. She loved it, and they made an offer and now live two blocks from us! This was now their decision. They found the home they liked best.

I also learned to let go of trying to control my husband’s problem with flour and sugar. He is diabetic, had a heart attack, and I have now become a caretaker, as he has so many health issues resulting from years of unhealthy eating. Prior to FA, I was preparing him flour items with artificial sweeteners and then would nag or show a lot of displeasure when he would pick up sugar items and bring them into the house. From my simply preparing our meals a new way, he has lost 10 pounds. Today he announced that he believes his poor balance is due to his cravings for sugar and flour, and he has decided to give them up.

I have also let go of worrying about finances. I took an early retirement two-and-a-half years ago; I would lose sleep worrying and projecting into the future that I would not make ends meet and we would have to sell our home. Because of FA, I have learned to trust God that I will find a way to supplement my retirement income. By taking it one day at a time, I have started three new part-time jobs doing what I love to do, and the jobs continue to come my way. Each evening I count my blessings and enjoy our home without fear or doubt about the future.


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.