A Story of Recovery:

Right Off the Rack

Now that I inhabit a right-size body, I can do so much that I couldn’t do at 200 pounds when I came into FA. Oh, the wonders of working this program—little miracles every day.

I can actually go into a fitting room and try on clothes, cute clothes off the rack in single-digit sizes. In dressing rooms, I don’t have to look at my awful image in the mirror and get overheated and sweaty in the tight space. I can get cool clothes at thrift shops, at bargain prices. My clothes actually fit on the hangers, so I don’t have to look at my clothes hanging all crooked and falling to the floor every time I try to find something that fits. And I can fit so much more into my suitcase when I travel!


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.