Stories of Recovery

These stories were originally published in the Connection, FA's monthly magazine written by food addicts, for food addicts. Each post shares a different author's perspective. Visit this page often to read more experience, strength, and hope about recovery in FA. To get the newest issue of Connection Magazine sent directly to your mailbox or inbox, click here to subscribe to the Connection.

Bountiful Boundaries

Record-setting rains created large-scale destruction in my area this past spring, as rising rivers overflowed their boundaries and caused massive flooding. As I watched the televised reports, I realized how this principle applies to my own life. Just like a runaway river, out of control eating causes many levels of destruction: added weight, shame and guilt, loathing of my lack of willpower, and spiritual disintegration. I experience sanity and abundant life only when I live within certain prescribed boundaries. Otherwise, my body, soul, and spirit suffer. While I know that I have no power to stop outside circumstances, fear and my desire to control warp my thinking. “Maybe I have no say over life in general,” I think, “but I can control my intake of food.” In my head, control equals no boundaries—nothing off limits, no censure of quantities or types of food. I will eat whatever I want and no one can... Continue Reading



No More “Fixes”

This holiday season, I was pulling down a small, ceramic Christmas tree from the back of my work’s credenza when I saw a small bottle of glue. It was not a typical office supply; for me, glue was a fashion necessity. One I hadn’t thought of in many years. Before I came into recovery, I was obese. My calves were very large, and wearing socks was extremely challenging. In order to get socks up my calves, I had to buy either excessively large sizes or cut the elastic. As I walked, my socks would wiggle their way down to my toes, and I was constantly having to fiddle with them. I searched for a fix—I tried pantyhose, but the chaffing quickly ruled that out. So each morning, as normal as others brush their teeth, I would glue my socks onto my calves. I would stock up each fall during the... Continue Reading



Okay, Cupid

I had a boyfriend when I came into FA. After a year of being abstinent, it became clear that we needed to end the relationship. My boyfriend and I had been together for four years, and the fear, doubt, and insecurity was intense when I went through that breakup. I used my FA program like a lifeline in order to stay abstinent. My sponsor suggested a “no dating” commitment in order for me to discover who I was without a boyfriend. I came to realize how much having a boyfriend had masked my insecurities. I studied the Twelve Steps and worked my Program without dating. I developed many crushes on unhealthy men, but refrained from acting out on my feelings. I was still quite sick emotionally and spiritually. I have a lot of fear and, in the end, found it easy not to date, as I had not had many... Continue Reading



Long Distance Recovery

When I came into FA at 5’2”(160cm), I weighed 143 pounds (65Kgs). Now I am 34 years old and weigh 112 pounds (51Kgs). I have lived in Taiwan and had never heard of any 12 step programs until I spoke with my cousins who live in the US and were doing another 12 step program. I told them that I could not stop eating. They gave me literature from another 12 step food-related program and I read it with tears. I tried it for a couple of months. Unfortunately, I still struggled with binging. Then one of the other food-related program fellows told me she was doing FA and gave me some FA fellows’ numbers to outreach with. Instead of calling the fellows right away, I surfed the FA website and I got 19 YESes of the 20 questions for the newcomer. I was so desperate and reached out to... Continue Reading



Sanity Not Vanity

I came into FA for the sanity, not the vanity. At 5’5″ with a slight frame, I weighed 174 pounds, though my highest weight had been 188. I would go to yoga class, and then buy a complete meal at the drive thru. I promised myself every day that I was going to do better. I failed every single day. I could not stop eating. I was fat, yes, and sick of myself, but I joined FA in desperation because I was taking it out on my family. I yelled, cried, and regularly accused my lovely husband of sabotaging my weight loss efforts. After two bouts with breast cancer and suffering with high blood pressure and constantly aching back and hands, I knew I had to get off the flour and sugar. In FA, I lost 56 pounds in about nine months. And now, with the tools of the program... Continue Reading