Stories of Recovery

These stories were originally published in the Connection, FA's monthly magazine written by food addicts, for food addicts. Each post shares a different author's perspective. Visit this page often to read more experience, strength, and hope about recovery in FA. To get the newest issue of Connection Magazine sent directly to your mailbox or inbox, click here to subscribe to the Connection.

I have gone from running to the fridge to running as a sport

I put in a FA CD and heard a woman talk about exercising. I thought about how, when my children were young, I couldn’t do activities that my family wanted to do. The woman on the CD related how she exercised because she enjoyed it. She didn’t do it for the usual food addict’s reasons: because she ate too much and had to work it off or as an excuse to eat more. I was 52 years old, 100 pounds overweight, and so unhappy with my life. I had tried dozens of diets and gimmicks. Some worked for a short time, but none were successful. But when I came into FA, got a sponsor, and worked the program, my weight fell off. Now what? I had not been in a thin body in over 30 years. I wanted a new goal to focus on. After my first year in FA, I... Continue Reading



This Bulimic Had It All

Twenty-seven years ago, when I first met the man to whom I am now married, we were just getting to know each other, so in the spirit of honesty and “full disclosure,” I told him that I had been bulimic, but wasn’t anymore. At the time, I was in another Twelve-Step program for food addiction (although we didn’t call it that).  I had not been actively bulimic for a while, so I thought it safe to tell him, because I was “fixed.” I had been anxious about telling him, not knowing what the response would be. When he did not go screaming in the other direction, I thought: Phew! That’s over! Now we can get on with it. Things went along quite well for the next several months. I had a good job, I was in love, and all was right with the world. But alas, as I was to... Continue Reading



I kept going and the weight kept coming off.

As a young girl, I was a tomboy, a bully, and an athlete. As a teenager, I smoked dope and became a sort of daredevil. Later I decided I needed to have the validation of an ivy-league university. My mother had continually reminded me of my inadequacies, and I always felt “less than.” Although I became a beautiful woman, my inadequate feelings about myself continued, whether I was fat or thin. My insecurity was especially evident in my choice of men and my behavior in relationships. The men I chose were almost always emotionally unavailable, due either to drinking, drugs or mental illness. Once in a relationship, I became a supportive partner, never questioning what was best for me but rather tirelessly supplying what was best for them. After years of this, I lost myself. When my 17-year marriage ended, I had been completely broken down and had no idea... Continue Reading



Waking Up Happy

I’ve seen people come into FA because they under-eat, purge their food, obsess about their weight and keep it down with exercise, or have a constant obsession over what they’re eating. I came in because I constantly wanted to overeat. When I was younger, I pretended it didn’t bother me. Then one day I looked at my eighth-grade graduation class picture and I could no longer deny it. I was not only the tallest person in the class, but I was by far the largest. At 5’7” and 178 pounds, I towered over the rest of the 13- and 14-year olds. I was ashamed and embarrassed. So I went on my first of many diets. I tried one that required I eat only 600 calories a day, and another where I got something shot into my arm to lose weight (I don’t know what it was and I didn’t care).... Continue Reading



Abstinent Job Search

I was sitting in my CEO’s office having a debriefing after a conference call. When we finished, she turned to me and said, “Okay, this is the hard part.” She explained that I was one of the people being let go in the current round of layoffs. My heart froze. Although she was very kind about the news, it didn’t change the outcome: I was about to be unemployed in the most devastating economic downturn of my lifetime. After the meeting with my CEO, I walked outside in order to deal with the shock.  The first person I phoned was my sponsor. I got her voicemail and left a message.  I reached a friend who listened to my fear for a bit and then told me, in no uncertain terms, to go take some quiet time. I walked back inside the building, found a quiet place, and sat down to... Continue Reading