Stories of Recovery

These stories were originally published in the Connection, FA's monthly magazine written by food addicts, for food addicts. Each post shares a different author's perspective. Visit this page often to read more experience, strength, and hope about recovery in FA. To get the newest issue of Connection Magazine sent directly to your mailbox or inbox, click here to subscribe to the Connection.

Conflict Resolution

I walked into the room of my very first FA meeting on a Sunday evening, feeling cocky, arrogant, pig headed, angry, and self-absorbed. At the same time, I also felt shy, extremely frightened, terribly disturbed, isolated, and withdrawn. This confusing way of being, having so many conflicting emotions running the show at one time, was standard for me. That was before FA and especially before going through an AWOL. I would wake each morning bewildered and confused about what to do for that day, not sure of which way to turn. I had trouble determining what it was I had to do next. Sometimes on really bad days, I would question how I could even make it through the day. I would have long drawn-out arguments inside my head (not out loud, for if someone had ever witnessed these arguments, they would have locked me away). These interior head arguments... Continue Reading



I knew I had found the solution the day I walked into FA.

I weighed 280 pounds when I came into program at age 22. I have lost 145 pounds and have maintained my weight loss for over six years. As far back as I can remember, food and weight were problems for me. I was embarrassed about my weight as a child and was teased by other kids because of it. I always felt as though I didn’t fit in. Not only was I chubby, I was very insecure and fearful. I tried to buy friends and ended up being mean and bossy with them because they never met my expectations. I thought losing the weight and being able to fit into designer jeans would solve these problems. When I finally did lose some weight and bought those jeans, I quickly learned that it wasn’t the answer. My home life was also very chaotic, and food was my main source of comfort... Continue Reading



Three Times the Charm

Today is day 90 of abstinence—again. I have been in and around FA since I was 19 years old. I suspect I was 236 pounds when I started in what felt like the hottest summer of my life. I was wearing long, torn-up jeans, the last of my size 20s, with holes that were patched with fabric because my thighs were rubbing together so much. I was unwilling to get a size 22 from the fat women’s store. I took a liking to an old, dark, purple men’s sweater with a hole in the neckline that covered me and felt comfortable. I hated myself so much that I didn’t care if I had showered and brushed my teeth or not. I had thoughts of suicide almost daily. I did not have a life because of the layers of addiction that fueled my existence. I was looking for everything outside of... Continue Reading



Chipping Off the Old Block

I was sitting at home having an internal argument with myself about whether to attend the Diabetes Expo in my city, yet again. I had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a few years earlier and had attended the expo a few times in the past.  I never really felt that I got much out of it, other than a few freebies and samples. For some reason (I now say it was God whispering in my ear), I decided to go. As usual, I didn’t feel I got a whole lot out of it until I happened upon a table with some banners behind that said, “Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous.”  It immediately piqued my curiosity, because my sisters and I had just been having a conversation about being addicted to sugar. We were having this discussion while we consumed large quantities of flour and sugar items. I saw that... Continue Reading



I became bulimic at age 13. At 20, I felt as though my life was over.

As a child, I was chubby and suffered from extreme fear, doubt, and insecurity. I have a history of sexual abuse by my father, but that isn’t why I ate the way I did. What I have learned is that no one is to blame for my food addiction. I have a disease that is physical, mental, and spiritual; and it led me down a path of self destruction. Adolescence was hard for me. I lived in books and films and spent a lot of time eating at the movies and in front of the television set. I just wanted to drift away and feel good all the time. I “became” characters from the books I read and the movies I saw; my biggest obsession was Marilyn Monroe. I always felt fat and “less than”, except when I was caught up in a role. I became bulimic at age 13.... Continue Reading