A Story of Recovery:

Spiritual Wash

One recent Sunday, I hung my washing outside in our lovely South African sun to dry. When it was time to take my washing down, I noticed some of my items had dirt and mud stains on them. At first I was puzzled and wondered how it had happened. Then I heard my neighbor’s small children playing next to the fence. It struck me they must have made some mud clay, tossed it across the fence, and hit my laundry on the line.

My first thought was to tell my neighbor what his children had done and explain that this was unacceptable. Then all of a sudden a gentle feeling came over me, and I remembered how, as a child, I had also played in the mud. I was innocent as a child, never deliberately wanting to hurt anyone.

Before I came through the doors of FA, my life was a mess. I not only treated myself badly, but I treated others badly as well. I was always up for a fight or ready to start one, because I so desperately needed to prove I was right and that I was important.

I am happy to report that being abstinent in FA has changed me. My higher power is restoring me to be gentle and not to fight anymore to prove that I am right.

As my sponsor says, we are sick people needing to get well, and today I feel super well. I chose peace above being right.


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.