A Story of Recovery:

The Miracle of Discipline

I have just returned from a five night vacation with my husband and two college-aged sons. We toured the amazing rocket laboratory where my older son is interning visited my brother, and attended my younger son’s college orientation, which meant a lot of coordinating schedules and meal times. Every day, I prayed on my knees, asking God to help me stay abstinent, and every night, even the late nights, I thanked him. I am so grateful for my recovery in FA and my willingness to go to any lengths to stay abstinent. I never want to go back to where I was before: the fat body, the painful remorse, and the obsession which plagued me every waking moment. Eating addictively was a symptom of my disease, a maladjusted way of handling life’s challenges.

I ask myself how I maintained my discipline while the rest of the family enjoyed drinks, appetizers, and desserts in front of me nightly. On an outreach call this morning, I heard myself say, “It was in front of me. I could see it all and smell it all, but it wasn’t calling me.” That, to this food addict, was a miracle. But it takes a lot of behind the scenes effort for me to act sanely in my life. I have to work the Twelve Steps and use our tools of prayer, calls, and writing.

Today, I have been relieved of the obsession and the merciless onslaught of craving has been lifted. If I ever think, “just one bite,” I know I will give up this grace, this peace I have been blessed with by God, and I never want to take this gift for granted.


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.