A Story of Recovery:

Walk the Walk

I had been leading a very active lifestyle, which included helping with my disabled grandson, who is in a wheelchair. Then, ten years ago, I was diagnosed with arthritis in the feet. It appeared like gout, with excessive ankle swelling. At the time, I was approximately 160 pounds on a 5′ 3″ frame.

I became a beached whale, a couch potato. It was extremely challenging for me to walk, but somehow I managed to complete my last five years of work before my planned retirement.

It didn’t take too long before I reached 208 pounds. My eating habits didn’t change, only my life style. Physically, I was very limited. My husband did most of the grocery shopping, and I was unable to go anywhere in the evening because my ankles would always swell up by 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. I tried different weight-reduction plans, and at one time, I lost a great deal of weight, only to put it back on a year later.

In the midst of my frustration and pain, I came down with what I thought was the flu. It turned out that I had pneumonia and was admitted to the hospital, where I ended up discussing my weight challenges with the R.N. She shared information about FA with me; she had lost 82 pounds in the program. I wanted to know more about it, and she said that she would bring me written material at the end of her shift.

Two months later, I joined FA and found a wonderful sponsor at my first meeting. I learned that I am a food addict. This was truly a revelation to my psyche, but none-the-less the truth. I now eat very wholesome foods for each meal and work the tools of Program. What I initially thought was an impossible process turned out to be my lifeline and path to personal pleasure.

Four-and-a-half months later, I was 43 pounds lighter, and a miracle happened for me. I found that I could walk as long and as far as any normal person. Although I still had arthritis in both feet, I had no more swelling of the ankles.

I will be 72 years young this year and truly have a new lease on life. I have come down two sizes and am looking forward to reaching whatever my goal weight might be.  Best of all, I can hardly wait to see what I look like next year. I am now leading a normal walking life without pain. Thank you God.


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.