A Story of Recovery:

What’s a treat for an abstinent food addict?

I recently had my first mammogram after having had a lumpectomy nine months ago. Needless to say, I was anxious. I brought my Kindle with me to read a sample of a few pages of a book that a friend recommended before I went to the library to borrow it. Although I prefer reading on my Kindle, I didn’t want to spend $12.99 to download the whole book when I could read the library copy for free.

The mammography technician did the procedure (never pleasant!) and went to consult with the radiologist. She came back and said they had to take more “views” (euphemism for more torture) since the Dr. thought he saw something on the other side. Oh no!

She took more pictures and went again to consult with the radiologist. While she was gone, I thought, “If this news is bad, I don’t care what anybody says, I’m going to buy the Kindle edition of this book!”

In the past, do you think this food addict would have considered a book as her final pleasure? No. This food addict would have immediately thought of everything she would eat if she were near death. (And, she would have already stuffed herself for weeks to try to ease the anxiety of the upcoming mammogram).

Miracles never cease.

(P.S.)  I had a clean mammogram and am reading the free book from the library.)


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.