A Story of Recovery:

Who’s The Boss?

Two months into my new job, my boss sent out an email. He was organizing a dinner as part of the upcoming staff retreat and wanted suggestions from our department for good places to eat. At some point in the flurry of reply emails, I realized that the date in question, still months away, fell on a Tuesday night.

Tuesday night is my AWOL (A Way of Life), and this meeting, where we study the Twelve Steps, is a serious commitment for me. I realized it was time to talk with my boss about being in FA. I had already spoken with my sponsor about this issue, as my boss sometimes invites our team to go out and eat lunch together, and I have at times declined.

On one of these occasions, when I indicated that I couldn’t eat at a particular restaurant, my boss asked, “What will happen? Will you turn into a pumpkin?” I didn’t really answer his question. It didn’t seem appropriate to say what I was like before FA or what happens when I eat outside of my food plan. My weight used to fluctuate up and down repeatedly as a result of my binge eating. I have weighed 170 pounds, which is 40-45 pounds over my current weight. I turn into an insane person. I throw food into the garbage and later go back, take it out, and eat it. I eat far beyond what is normal, unable to stop, even when I am in pain from stuffing myself with food. My skin breaks out in an allergic reaction to the sugar and flour, and also from the stress I put on my body by forcing it to absorb abnormal quantities of food.

Overall, my boss is very supportive. He gives me a lot of encouragement and openly praises my work.  My sponsor agreed that it made sense to tell him about FA, but I hadn’t found an opportune moment to do so. Well, here was that moment. I walked into my boss’s office, briefly talked to him about a couple of work-related items, and then walked out. In less than a minute, I had the sensation that my Higher Power was literally reaching out and turning me around. I returned to my boss’s office, sat down in the extra chair, and waited for him to give me his attention. He was working on the computer. After a moment, he turned to me.

“What do you know about alcoholism?” I asked him.

“Quite a bit,” he said.

From there we proceeded to have a discussion about addiction.  He had lost a very good employee to heroin addiction. He also had a daughter who, in her teenage years, had been exposed to addiction.

I explained that in the same way that some people are addicted to alcohol and drugs, I am addicted to food. I told him that I work a rigorous Twelve-Step program that helps me with my problem, and that I attend three meetings a week. I told him the number of years I have been “clean and sober,” which is the term I generally use for people outside of FA, as they understand it better than the word “abstinent.”

He mentioned bulimia and anorexia, and I explained that I have a condition medically known as binge-eating disorder. I mentioned a government statistic. The National Institute of Health website states that about 3% of adults have binge-eating disorder. His face registered surprise. I don’t think he was aware of the commonness of the problem.

He asked me why I was telling him this. I mentioned that I have a meeting on Tuesday nights and the dinner he was planning fell on a Tuesday night. “Can we change it to another night?” I asked.

He shook his head and said that Tuesday was the night he was given by the conference organizers. Since hundreds of people are attending the staff retreat, I recognized that the date could not be adjusted.

“Where is your meeting?” my boss asked. I think he was trying to figure out a way for me to attend part of the Tuesday event.

“Marin” I said, which is a 45-60 minute drive from our office in downtown Oakland, California. For the second time, my boss’s face registered surprise. “Yup,” I said, “I drive that distance to Marin every Tuesday night.”

I sat quietly for a moment, not knowing what else to say.

My boss cocked his head and smiled at me. “Looks like you’re going to your meeting.”

I nodded. A part of me regretted not being able to attend the work event, which sounded like fun. At the same time, I knew that going to my committed meeting was exactly the right action to take. Without FA, I know that the pressures of my new job, which is filled with deadlines and expectations of high-level output, would send me straight to the vending machines or the corner store to get a sugar and flour fix. I want to keep my job. Therefore, I put my program, including committed meetings, ahead of work.

I walked away from my boss’s office feeling very supported in my abstinence. This incident was the latest in a long line of experiences when, in spite of my fear, I have revealed my addiction and the FA solution. Time after time, I have been met with kindness and support. Repeatedly, I am shown that as long as I maintain my integrity, am humble about the fact that I am a food addict, and consult my sponsor about discussions of this type, my Higher Power takes care of me. I am learning to trust that Higher Power, and the experience with my new boss reinforces that trust.


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.