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Email Mediawatch & Weblinks

Email Mediawatch & Weblinks

If you see a TV news story, hear a radio program, a blog or read something in the press that you think FA should respond to in order to educate the media outlet about FA, email the MediaWatch sub-committee and include the name of the show and date you saw it, or just forward the link in an email to mediawatch@foodaddicts.org

If you see a website that you think should have FA listed in its resources section, or if you wish FA had a link on a specific site, send the link to weblinks@foodaddicts.org. A request will be sent to add the FA link to the site.

If you attend or learn of a conference where professionals are listed or find a professional directory of relevant professionals you feel should be contacted about FA or simply want FA to reach out to a specific professional healthcare professional, send the link to weblinks@foodaddicts.org.

If you see a blog site that you think should have a comment posted from FA posted on its comments section, send the blog’s link to blogwatch@foodaddicts.org. A request will be sent to add a comment to the site.