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Weblinks Subcommittee

Spreading the message of recovery from food addiction through the online community

The Weblinks Subcommittee is responsible for making the international online community aware of FA’s existence. The committee reaches out to colleges, medical communities, and various other websites/organizations to request the FA website be listed as a resource on their website. Weblinks also utilizes Google Analytics and AdWords data to track “click-throughs” to the FA website and works with the Office and Website Committees to make the FA website as welcoming as possible.

Ways to do service with the Weblinks Subcommittee:

  • Email websites about FA (30 mins a week)
  • Check FA backlinks (links we already have) to see if they are still valid (30 mins a week)
  • If you happen to see a website where you would like the FA link to be included, send the website URL to weblinks@foodaddicts.org and someone will reach out to them by email about FA.

Service-Related Resources:

Getting a Weblink on a Community Site:

Under topics:

  • Addiction Recovery
  • Self-Help
  • Community Resources
  • Eating Disorders


  • Local Churches or Synagogues or Mosques, etc 
  • Local churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. 
    • Reach out to your place of worship to see if they have a webpage for addiction resources
  • Local 12-Step groups who list other 12-Step groups.
  • Local colleges, universities, high schools
  • Craigslist, local, state, county or city online event sites, newspaper calendars (see Calendar Announcements)
  • Therapists, doctors, healthcare professionals, bariatric doctors
    • Reach out to your doctors office about listing the FA weblink
  • Contact one of the websites on the Current Weblinks Spreadsheet


For more information, contact weblinks@foodaddicts.org.

Learn more about other service opportunities in Digital Outreach. Weblinks Blog Watch College Outreach Google Adwords Google Alerts Calendar Announcements Podcasts Digital Outreach Committee Google Analytics